“I am a painter, playful (re-)searcher, careful observer”.
Susan de Boer’s paintings seem to breathe with the pace of rocks; every stroke an in- and exhale. Layer after layer is slowly build with patience, curiosity and in full surrender to the process. The intriguing depth of the unapproachable nature, heavy rock formations and massive landscapes that inspire her so, seem to emerge through each carefully applied stroke. De Boer zooms in, and works with space and movement, adding depth. While painting she arrives at abstraction and tries to capture the essence. She lets herself be guided by what happens in the paint. Each painting is an adventure. What will happen during the process? What choices is she going to make? How will the colors relate to each other? Is the composition right? Every brush stroke is important. It’s exciting every time.
De Boer likes to paint with oil paint. She still enjoys the effects of this paint every time during the process. Each stroke dries exactly as it is painted. And since she paints wet-on-wet, this is very important. Slowly she applies layer after layer. We can almost touch the rest that is given to each canvas. Where De Boer observes and listens internally what might come next.
Exhibitions at Galerie Nasty Alice: Between Here and There 2024 . KunstRAI 2023 . Untitled 2023 . Art The Hague 2022 . Play 2020 . Appèl Galeries 2019 . Girls 2019 . Wonderland 2018 . Appèl Galeries 2018 . KunstRAI 2018 . Appèl Galeries 2017 . Coulissen 2016 . Ochtendgloren 2015 .